Area of Study 2
Outcome 2On completion of this unit the student should be able to examine how beliefs and their expression in other aspects of religion are intended to respond to the search for meaning.
Key Knowledge• for religion in general, the role of each of the aspects, other than beliefs, in responding to the search for meaning
• for religion in general, the relationship of the aspects of religion to each other • for the selected religious tradition/s or denomination/s: – how at least two religious beliefs are expressed through each of the other aspects of religion – the connections between these expressions, for each belief – how the selected beliefs and their expression in each of the other aspects are intended by the selected religious tradition/s or denomination/s to engender and nurture meaning. |
Key Skills• explain the role of each of the aspects other than beliefs in responding to the search for meaning
• explain the relationship of the aspects of religion to each other • analyse the expression of religious beliefs through each of the other aspects of religion • examine how religious beliefs and their expression in each of the other aspects is intended to engender and nurture meaning • interpret, synthesise and apply primary and secondary source material. |